Personal Testimonials
We are grateful to Mary for leading the Business Etiquette Workshop and so graciously giving two days of her time to spend one-on-one with our post-doctoral fellows here in Philadelphia. The wisdom and guidance she provided was invaluable. Their evaluations spoke to how thankful they were for this coaching. We look forward to developing new projects with Mary in the future.
-Yvonne Paterson, Ph.D.
former Associate Dean of Postdoctoral Research Training
former Director, Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs
University of Pennsylvania
Mary made me have fun, even when I did not want to. She made me see myself as others see me– not as I was seeing myself. She hatched me out of a shell and gave me wings to fly.
Mary’s expert coaching should be an essential part of personal and professional growth for anyone who wants to achieve all they are truly capable of.
-C. Anne Coulter
I became acquainted with Mary Mitchell via her long running “Ms.Demeanor” column in The Philadelphia Inquirer. Mary’s excellent books speak for themselves. Mary has also been my public speaking coach, as well as a collaborator and mentor on many projects. Working with Mary is a joy. She combines her warmth and humanity with a solid knowledge base, an active and supportive presence, and a wicked sense of humor. When I need to get out of my office and address the public, Mary is my go-to person.
-Karen W. Edelstein, Psy.D.
I think that a lot of people believe that they know how to deal professionally with other people, but they don’t, because no one has pointed out the things that were missing, or flat out told them were off. As Mary pointed out to me so eloquently, you don’t know what you don’t know. She was so helpful, teaching me what no one had previously taught me. She showed me how to gain lots of leverage internally (by being more confident in various social and professional situations). She also helped me gain leverage externally by making a noticeable and positive first impression. I found especially helpful her suggestion that I give myself a truly unbiased first impression assessment, as if I were meeting myself for the first time.
Now that I know the basics, I am better able to serve the people I meet with an extra dab of attention or politeness that they never seem to expect. I like watching the subtle reactions people give, when they realize that I “know the rules”. I feel small victories within myself, when they hand over a little confidence in me before we have ever even done more than just meet. I am a competitor and I live and breathe on head starts! Thanks to Mary, I get a head start in virtually every instance! She taught me that doing what is expected in social situations gives you a leg up, whereas doing more than expected in social situations gives you a huge head start.
-Brian Campagna
President & CEO – EAS LeadGen
I believe that the most valuable and insightful thing that Mary taught me was to look at situations and people from their perspective. In doing so, it changed my perspective tremendously in terms of how others reacted to me or how the situation played out. Understanding others’ communication styles is to truly understand how to manage people and situations successfully. In addition, Mary was instrumental in teaching me that people behave the way they are hard-wired. Thus it is pivotal to approach them with that foreknowledge.
These are some of the many things I have learned from Mary:
- How to phrase things more effectively, based more on observation than opinion.
- How to listen actively.
- The importance of dressing appropriately so as not to distract others, and to advance my company’s brand. That meant dressing with more restraint in my conservative professional environment.
- To sidestep my ego in the interest of good leadership and better relationships with others.
- When I look for the positive, it will find me, and I must always remember to take time for gratitude.
-Laura H. (Surname & co. name withheld per client corporate policy)
Mary has helped me immensely in areas of communication with others (which includes learning to listen, networking, and putting the needs of the audience ahead of my own), as well as pacing myself better by utilizing mental rehearsals and prioritizing. We worked on improving my posture and table manners, which in turn gave me a more professional demeanor and heightened self-confidence.
-Janel Farley, CPA
I had the opportunity to work with Mary on enhancing my “executive presence”, with a focus on expanding communications skills for a broad range of constituents. I walked into the experience with an open mind and a commitment to personal and professional growth. And, while I certainly walked away with some very sound guidance and practical advice, many of the “lessons” were unexpected. Mary’s holistic approach to coaching ultimately led to a deeper awareness and understanding of myself—“authenticity” in leadership terms. Years later, I am still amazed by, and grateful for, the effect that seemingly small changes (to me, at least) had on my professional relationships — with leaders, colleagues and peers, and direct reports.
-Rita B. (Surname & co. name withheld per client corporate policy)